
Hadi Group

Message of
Managing Director

First of all, let me shared some ligit on the background of the birth of Hadi group. The Group’s flagship entity – Hadi Flour Mills unit-1, – had come into being 2014. The beginning was very modest, but my aim was very large and the vision was very wide. The Group was born with the aim and objective of serving the people health and the country peace. These obejective and vision have made Hadi Group Oun Sologan “For the people, for the country health protect” .Hadi Group keep widering its area of business and they turned into one of the largest business and industrial conglomenates of the country by ensuring its strong presence in almost industrial business sectors.The group now entry flour nuills, Dal mills, Electronics products, agro complex, rice nuills, Grain Trading business, Motors & Transport and also Lands developmont business.

We believe globalization has not only invited challenges, it has simultaneously opened up immense opportunities for any business entity. It has created inter-state trade dependence, furthered investment potentials and created scope of free-flow of information and industrial raw materials. Ensuring quality of goods and services and their price competitiveness is not only helping them find good market locally, but also taking them beyond boundaries.

As the custodian of Hadi Group Group, I would like to reiterate our commitment to the development of the country. I hope that the Group’s cordial relations with all our valued customers and clients, as partners of prosperity, will be strengthened further in future. We also look forward to developing successful relations with our potential customers and clients. It will certainly help us grow and serve the stakeholders and the nation, even better in the days ahead.